Colleen from The Adoptable Ones came out to our Leander property to take photos and she was incredible at not only capturing stunning pictures, but really highlighting the dogs' personality.
First we brought out long-stay pup KitKat who thrives on people interactions. As part of her tips and tricks for dog photography, Colleen came prepared with squeakers, and it was here that we found out this chocolate sweetie has a love affair with squeaky toys! KitKat and her silly grin are looking for a dog-savvy home and someone who can give her the attention she craves - she would make a great side-kick and would happily be up for any adventure! Despite the grey on her muzzle, KitKat has a plenty of energy and is always up for a good game of fetch! While she is happy to play, she is also happy to calmly lay down in the shade or by your feet and relax. Last little tid-bit, she is a water-gal and jumps for joy when you bring out the water hose (full video in our "KitKat" tab!!)
Next up we brought out new girl Mariah, and she was EASILY the most photogenic pup of the night - it was almost like she knew when to strike the perfect pose! She was an absolute sweetheart who was excited to play fetch and stretch her legs, but then just wanted to lay on the cool patio and relax with us while we gave her a good long snuggle. She pulled a little on the leash, but was easily corrected, has been potty-trained, and is just an all around good, typical lab!

Not to be left out, Marisol had her turn next. At only a year old she has the energy and athleticism of a young lab! She has spent almost all of her life at a shelter, and needs some training to polish up her skills, but she is so eager to please and loves being loved on. In our opinion, she would be a great as a working girl. She was happy to play fetch and run between the two of us to get in another ear scratch! Marisol is another one who loves the water and tennis balls! Once she did a couple incredibly cute zoomies, she plopped down and put her head in the water bowl :) We were just eating up her cuteness.

The gentleman were sweet and let the ladies go first, but they still got their turn!
Up next we brought out handsome Brody...and OH MY GOSH, HE IS PERFECT. I can't even begin to tell you how much in love with this boy I am - I was ready to pack him up and take him home with me. He is potty trained, walked so politely on a leash even though he was obviously excited, and we had a hard time getting his photos because all he wanted was to sit in your lap and be pet! Brody absolutely melts in your hands when you give his ears a good rub, closing his eyes and leaning his whole body into you! I was just so impressed with his wonderful manners and gentle, loving demeanor. He is going to make the perfect family companion.

Last but not least, Benji boy! Benji is petite for a lab, but makes up for it in a his bouncy, bubbly personality. He was the one lab of the night who wasn't up for fetch. He was so excited to chase the ball and then realized he was too far away to be pet and came sprinting back (without the ball of course!). Like Marisol, he knows sit, but could use some help polishing up his obedience skills. He is another one who would sit in your lap and let you pet him for as long as you liked. Benji is happiest around people, wants to please, and is for sure food-motivated (of course, we've yet to meet a lab who will turn their nose up at food ;] ) Benji was such a good sport and had a very fun and charming personality - another great boy!