Bodhi's Blog: Life at the Dog Ranch!
Guess who turned 1!
Sorry it has been so long since I last checked in with all of you! I have been a busy girl. In the past few weeks I have taken my first plane ride, put my feet in the Pacific Ocean, started walking AND housed over 25 dogs! Oh, and I turned one!
Boy, life has been so much fun and so busy!
First, let me tell you how much I LOVED the airplane ride! It was so exhilarating. I was so excited during take off that I ended up falling fast asleep soon after and slept through the rest of the flight. Thankfully, my moms woke me up for the landing. I laughed and laughed when the wheels hit the runway. Whooo, what a rush!
My moms and I flew to San Diego to see my mom's very best friend since college, Heather! My grandma actually met us out there, too! So, I got to charm Heather and keep grandma wrapped around my little finger for 5 days! We went to the Safari Park, which is amazing. I saw Rhinos, pet sheep, was within inches of mountain goats and watched a bird show. It was fascinating and made me giggle and squeal a ton!
The petting zoo inside of the park. PS. the sheep were in serious need of Weight Watchers.
Watching the Mountain Goats. The babies were just a day old and climbing everything.
We then went to the beach the next day. There were so many people there. People on bikes, roller blades, walking dogs and eating ice cream! I was missing my dogs so much by this point I had to call out "Dog" every time I saw one. Some even let me say hi and gave me a kiss on the cheek. That helped me not get too homesick for the ranch.

The sand was amazing. Soft and wet. I liked it but then the water came up and got on my feet. That was it, I was done. No more sand or cold ocean water for me! Those people surfing way out must have lost their minds. I didn't even want to sit on a blanket that was on the sand. That cold water might reach us and my moms are super slow, no match for the waves!
Grandma, mom and I in La Jola.
Then, the parties started! I got TWO cakes and TWO parties in San Diego. The first party was a super fun BBQ celebrating Heather and my birthdays! How cool is it that we have birthdays several days apart and got to celebrate it together. We had a yummy cake and an awesome time.
Cake is yummy!
On my birthday we were flying home. But, before we could do that, my mom got me a smash cake. I was pretty sure she had lost her mind, but she convinced me to taste the cake. That is all it took, I was hooked. I was grabbing handfuls of icing and eating it just as fast as possible. My moms admit that it might not have been the best idea to get a smash cake two hours prior to boarding a plane, but it all worked out.
My hands and face were so messy!
When we got home I was so excited to see the dogs that I started screaming. When they saw me they started screaming. It was a bunch of noise for a while. Once we all settled down I handed out their presents and we all fell fast asleep.
I crashed hard after getting home!
On the weekend, we hosted another birthday party with our friends and family. It was a blast. So many people came. So many Heart of Texas lab rescue volunteers came. We played games, ate lots of food and of course, had more cake! My mom has since told me that I got three birthday parties for turning one and that means I don't get another party until I am four! We shall see....
My third party. SO MUCH FUN!
As I reflect on my first year of life I have to say the dogs are one of the very best parts. I am so glad I am here and they love me so much. Who wouldn't want to say they live with 15 rescued dogs on a ranch covered in bunnies and fireflies? I am blessed. Thank you all for your support that allows me to live here!
My ride home from the hospital.
The pups took to me immediately.
Tanner and I attempting a nap.
Love my doggies!