Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Strut Your Mutt (or, you know...Lab) Austin!

Hey lab lovers, here's another wonderful local opportunity show off your pup and support Austin animal rescues! Austin Animal Center is hosting Strut Your Mutt! Some info is below, but check out their website for all the details.

Who: YOU!
Note: If we get enough interest I will organize a Heart of Texas Lab team - comment below or email at HOTLRmedia@gmail.com!

What: A fundraising dog walk, followed by a dog-themed festival that includes pet contests, photos, goodies, food, refreshments and fun activities for your and your four-footed friend!

When: September 19, 2015 - 9AM - 2PM

Where: Mueller Lake Park 1829 Simond Ave, ATX

Why: To raise money for local animal welfare groups. Last year the Strut you Mutt fundraiser raised approx $180,000 with $155,000 of it staying in Austin to help local homeless pets and rescues.

Strutt your Mutt Challenge: "You don’t have to attend a Strut Your Mutt event to create positive change for homeless pets. Every day, more than 9,000 dogs and cats are killed in shelters all across America. Regardless of where you live, these animals need everyone’s help if we are to Save Them All®.
That’s why Best Friends started the virtual Strut Your Mutt Challenge — so that everyone anywhere can make a huge difference for homeless pets either in their community or around the country. Join a team and you’ll be helping to raise money and awareness, as well as create positive change in your town or around the country.
This year, Strut Your Mutt Challenge will kick off online on May 4 at 12 midnight EST. Participants can work their magic to raise as much money as they can all the way through Saturday, November 7 at 12 midnight EST."

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